UNIVERSITY OF YALOVA (0226) 817 7206

Dear Students,
2024-2025 Academic Year - 1st Module - Final Exam will be held on Monday, November 25, 2024. Please CLICK HERE for information about the time and place of the exam.

The Speaking exam for our A2 classes will be held on Tuesday, November 26, 2024. CLICK HERE to find information about the time and place of the exam.

Note: It is important that you are in the classroom at least 15 minutes before the exam starts. Since the exam starts with the listening section, students who are late will be kept outside until the listening section is over.
Note: Absent students will be announced on Friday, November 22, 2024, and students who are absent will not be able to take the Final exam.
Note: Students without a valid ID card will not be allowed to take the exam.

Good luck!