UNIVERSITY OF YALOVA (0226) 817 7206

Oxford Publishing's "English File" series books in A1, A2, B1 and B2 level classes will be studied in the 2022-2023 Academic Year.

CLICK here to purchase the coursebooks to be used in A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels of our School's English Preparatory Program textbooks. (The school code to be used while signing onto the website at the purchase process is yalova2022)

It is strictly forbidden to use unmarked (pirated) or photocopies of the coursebooks in accordance with the "Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works" numbered 5846. For this reason, any responsibility that may arise from the use of unmarked (pirated) or photocopied books in our school belongs to our students individually. The document sent to our University by the Publishers Copyright and Licensing Professional Association (YAYBİR) regarding the illegal reproduction of books by photocopying is as follows. Click to see the related document.